Moon Knight is a Marvel superhero series that premiered on Disney+ in 2022. The series follows the adventures of Marc Spector, a former CIA agent who becomes the avatar of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu and fights crime as a vigilante. The comic book series fans have been eagerly anticipating the show’s release. This promises to be a thrilling addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The show’s custom font used in its logo and merchandise is one of the most notable features. In this article, we will delve into the origin of the Moon Knight font and explore everything you need to know about it.
The Hunt for the Moon Knight Font
As soon as the Moon Knight logo was revealed, fans began scouring the internet in search of its font. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that the font was custom-made for the show and not publicly available. However, through our research, we have discovered two fonts used to create the font.
The Fonts Behind the Moon Knight
Marsnev created Lemon Milk, a modern geometric sans serif typeface, in 2014. It originally served as the visual identity for a student magazine of the same name. It has a bold and powerful look suitable for headlines, logos, posters, and more.
Gooova Studio created the geometric connected script typeface, Moon Fark. It is a free font with a strong and dynamic look similar to the Moon Knight logo.
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We hope you enjoyed this article about Moon Knight font and learned something new if you are a fan of Marvel superheroes and want to create your projects using these fonts.
Let us know what you think about these fonts and how you plan to use them in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends who might also be interested in the font. Thanks for reading!
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